Musings of a busy mind

  • Knit Kit: How to Purl Stitch

    The purl stitch is the second stitch you learn when learning how to knit. It's my personal fave as it looks like little waves. A purl is really ju...
  • Why did we bring out a knit kit?

    Hi! It's me Tish, co-owner of Handsy. While clay, ceramics and at home pottery kits have been our OG craft kit and the one craft I always was dying...
  • Knit Kit: How to Knit Stitch

    Knit stitch is the first stitch you learn in knitting alongside the purl stitch. It's the stitch that looks like this VVVV. In our Check It Out S...
  • Knit Kit: How to Cast Off

    Casting off is how we get our knitting creations off our needles so we can wear it. In this video you'll see that we are using a knit stitch, tha...
  • Knit Kit: How to Cast On

    Casting on is how we start knitting up our cosy kit creations. Before you watch, make sure you've read the guides and pattern that came with your...
  • Why did we switch to plastic? Find out now.

    This is a big one for us. It was a real bittersweet moment. We love our home compostable pouches. They look beautiful, they heat sealed really well...
  • Why did we start a blog? Here's why.

    To be honest, I never thought we (I) would. I am a professional writer and sometimes when you do something in exchange for money you kinda loose y...
  • Creativity & Failure. Our feels.

    An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail - Edwin Land   This quote resonates with me beyond belief. My entire creative life ...