kiln finder

To make your pottery food and drink proof they need to be glazed and fired in a kiln. Use our map to find your local kiln.

How to glaze and fire?

1. Call your local kiln to book in your fire, ask if they accepted glazed greenware. If they do, great, you can paint your creation after making. If they don't, then don't glaze your creation before dropping it off. That means don't paint your clay with any of the glaze in your kit.
2. Drop off your creation unglazed to your kiln for it's first fire.
3. Pick up your bisqued piece and now you can glaze it all the colours you wish. Only use glaze approved to paint pottery. No acrylic paints or any paint not made for kiln firing.
4. Drop off your piece for it's final fire.
5. Pick up and woohoo! You now have a fully functional piece of pottery.

If you can't see a kiln near you, you can still let your clay air dry to use as a jewelry dish, dried flower vase or even art you can put on your shelves.

 *Price of firing and glazing services are at the discretion of the kiln owners. Usually between $5-$10 a piece.

If you live in Auckland, Handsy does public firings and we accept glazed pieces as we do a single fire. Meaning you only need to drop off once and pick up. Contact Tish from Handsy via Instagram @handsycraftkits to organise a drop off.